Sahara Station Wagon - 26210665
Sahara Station Wagon-26210665
Sahara Station Wagon -26210665
What a Find!!

The pick up of two great looking cars!
This pick took us to the local area of Braidwood where there were two cars up for grabs!
The guy was moving from the property and couldn't take the cars with him. As soon as we seen the two cars we got pretty excited! We loved the look of the station wagon and the owner then told us about this amazing story that we found hard to believe.
Let's face it, lots of Land Rovers come with tall stories but little did we know that this Tall story would turn out to be all true.

We get the Station Wagon home and Dave puts up the instagram post.
One of our followers recognises the car, as he went to buy it a few years before. He proceeded to tell us about the car and its history!
He says" Did you get the book that come with the car? It tells the history about the travels it made through the Sahara ", ...... Nope ....... no book, unfortunately it was lost many years ago.
We then got in contact with Michael Bishop who is a Land Rover Historian based in the UK who works for JLR Classic. Michael was able to piece together the missing link and put us in contact with the Land Rovers original owner, Malcolm Chaplin.

Photo taken of Malcolm once we reunited him with 26210665 (Sahara station wagon)
We made contact with Malcolm and confirmed that this was actually his car.
It was a no brainer we just had to reunite the two of them!!
So we got busy!! We worked on getting the car back up running and driving and fixed the brakes. The mission - Loading up 26210665 onto the trailer, making the journey for a reunion.
Malcolm and his wife Lyn were absolutely thrilled to see their old friend again, they had actually met in this Land Rover
Over lunch Malcolm and Lyn told us many stories and shared many many photos of the journeys that took place in this incredible Land Rover. Please check out our Gallery for more photos.
A little bit of History
“....its more than a relative....... I suppose its a relative, its a family friend, its a work horse...umm ...its home ” - Malcolm ChaplinSee below in the video where Malcolm and Lyn share a couple of great stories and take 26210665 for a drive.
Malcolm then took us into his Man cave and showed us the Wall of Honour he had made for his Land Rover. Full of Photos, documents and tales ready to be told!
What an amazing feeling it was to reunite Malcolm and Lyn, the previous Guardians to
this amazing Land Rover......

PHOTO: 26210665 as it is now in our personal collection.
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