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Two Birds with one stone!

BAMBI & RUSTY........A story about a dog and a car.....

We were on a pick in the south of Victoria. All went really well and we were bunked up for the night at this awesome little pub. With a belly full of good food and beverage we retired to our room to catch up on some admin....aka social media ! I was checking my emails and had subscribed to Pet Rescue #petrescue after loosing our 16 year old Border Collie 8 months ago.

I clicked onto a new alert from #PetRescue and staring up at me was this most gorgeous little face...omg ..... my heart immediately melted!

Well as you can imagine, I turned to Dave and I'm like " Seriously..... look at this face!" Dave had a look and said" you won't believe it......but she is in the same town as our next Pick!!!"

Thats where Rusty comes into it, he too is a bit of a bitzer. A series 1 that has been modified in the back end, the heart being a Holden 186 and cute as a button and has a life here on our farm of #LandRovers!

The Pick Up~A rescued dog and a rescued Landy

“The best things in life are rescued”

Rusty and his mate all loaded up on the truck

Bambi after we just picked her up from the Foster Home.

A Journey Awaits......

Rusty the series 1 from Mudgee and his series mate that we picked up came from a working sheep and cattle farm and had a long and loyal relationship with the farm and its family.

The farmer in his 60's was telling us about how his father had purchased them way back when and made the necessary adjustments on the cars to suit the needs of the driver and the work that needed to be done. As we find on many farms the cars are modified, some only slightly but others heavily.Rusty was turned into a tray back for fencing purposes. A purpose made tray on the back, open with no sides & a shelf underneath to keep the spare tyre and other necessary tools for the job prohibiting anything to fall off or out !!

Rusty on closer inspection is in fact rust free but given that name for its rustic Aussie look, a bitzer, a battler! On getting him home he has become a favourite in the collection. Dave got the old motor going (see video Below) and even #NickDimbleby took a liking to the little Landy on his visit to #landroverheaven, producing some amazing photos of the car in action, which was then used in an article he wrote for #landrovermonthly.

Photo by Nick Dimbleby

Photo by Nick Dimbleby

Photo by Nick Dimbleby

Listen to that motor! Holden 186.

She came into our Home and into our Hearts....

"It’s not what we have in life, but who we have in our lives that matters"

We called around to the foster carers home after we loaded the cars on, to meet Bambi and to see whether or not she liked us and wanted to come home to our crazy Family and world of Land Rovers!

It was love at first sight for all involved! If her brother wasn't already taken we would have taken him too!!

'Bambi' is what they called her and we didn't feel the need to change her name. The truck ride home was quite the experience for her and she handled it well. We stopped at a cute little town and I went to the butchers and got her a bone, off to the park for a spot of lunch and get to know our little mate.

Bambi fitted in super quick, Sam was keen to have yet another soul to love, and the kids just adore her. We couldn't believe how quickly she learnt things, never had an accident indoors and never chewed anything up! No digging holes ........ always wanting to be by your side. We have since learnt that she has a big percentage of Malinois Shepherd in her. Very Loyal, very intelligent, obedient and super protective, always on guard with her people and her territory.

I may be Bias but I do believe she is one of the best pick ups we have ever made!!



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Driving around Australia in search of Land Rovers takes us to some amazing places were we get to meet some amazing people.

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Land Rover Heaven Established 2015

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